Painting the exterior of your house something different is a very thought out and calculated process for most. It could almost be equated to dying your hair a new color. But the thing about dying your hair is it's similar to painting the exterior of your home, it can be changed. Here are some classic exterior paint palettes from Sherwin Williams that hopefully will help you become inspired, and more at ease, with breathing new life into your home's exterior.
Gale Force - Sherwin Williams
This paint color is the perfect deep blue that you commonly see in New England or on the Pacific Northwest coast. This deep blue color is so classic and looks great with white trim accents and a dark gray asphalt shingle roof.
Photo Credit: Kelly & Sherwin Williams
Creamy - Sherwin Williams
This ivory color can pretty much go with any other color accents your home has. It is a great neutral that helps to highlight unique attributes of your home whether that be a colorful front door or unique trim details. Because of the warm undertone of this neutral, I went with choosing the warmer Studio Taupe color for any window trim or door trim and a dark brown front door color to create a nice dark contrast.
Shade Green - Sherwin Williams
I couldn't make a list for classic exterior paint colors without including this very-on-brand deep green. This color is absolutely beautiful on the exterior of a home that has light contrasting trim pieces to really make the features of the home pop! If your home has distressed brick features, this may be the exterior paint color for you.
Photo Credit: @kindandabell
African Gray - Sherwin Williams
You can practically never go wrong with a gray exterior for your home. This African Gray by Sherwin Williams has the perfect blue undertone and what could compliment the blue undertone more than a blue front door. A lighter brick mixed with darker shingles help to balance the entire palette.
Photo Credit: @Contentedinteriors
Roycroft Copper - Sherwin Williams
If you are really feeling adventurous with your exterior paint color, no need to look any further. This color palette is for you. Since the exterior paint is the star of the show, the trim, brick and front door accents are toned down to really let the Roycroft Copper shine.
Photo Credit: @Livejwcollection
Enduring Bronze - Sherwin Williams
I've heard that one of the meanings behind red doors is that if you have a red door, you've paid off your home. If you are one of these blessed homeowners, this may be the palette for you. The dark Enduring Bronze mixed with the red pop of color for the front door and brick is the perfect balance of moody and welcoming.
Photo Credit: Home Stratosphere
I hope these color palettes bring you inspiration to paint your own home and help you digest that wonderful options paint can bring to the exterior of your home. I would love to see what palettes you come up with for your own home exterior. Message me on Instagram with your exterior changes @igottaseeit